Welcome to TEKNICON Limited
Teknicon Ltd is a multidisciplinary local consultancy firm established in June 2009 and registered in Tanzania with Engineer’s Registration Board (ERB) Reg. No, LCF 122 with the aim of providing a professional technical design, consulting and project management service to both Public Sector and Private Sector Clients. We are also member of Association of Consulting Engineering Firms in TANZANIA (ACET)
The firm is wholly owned by Tanzania nationals and is also legally registered under the companies Ordinance (Cap. 212) and currently operating from its office located at Josam House on Plot No. 16, Block ‘C’ Mikocheni area, Dar-es-Salaam.
The company structure and shareholding represents the Renaissance in Civil Engineering and project Management Services.Our main objective is to deliver our clients their precise requirements with the highest level of quality, within the agreed budget and timeframe. We will achieve this through constant dialogue with our clients and by meticulously abiding by our internal Quality control and assurance program.